Hello! Welcome to my blog, today I have a step by step guide on how to create a image text masking flyer in Photoshop. You can watch the video and follow along with the instructions below. Ready to make a professional flyer in Photoshop? Let’s get straight into it!
Preliminary/The Work Before, The Work:
Image(s) - gather your image or the images you will be using for this project.
For this flyer, I am using an image downloaded from Unsplash, (see credits below)
Fonts - if you don’t have a typeface in mind already, do some research on typeface or font choices that would best fit.
In this flyer I used Poppins which is a great sans serif typeface Google Font
For my serif, I used Amigh.
Research - Do research! Look up design ideas for your flyer so you can get some inspiration.
Steps of the Project:
In Photoshop create a new document with these settings:
Width: 1000px
Height: 1000px
Resolution: 300 pixels/inch
Color Mode: RGB Color 8 bit
Background Contents: Transparent
In the advanced options:
Color Profile: SRGB IEC61966-2.1
Pixel Aspect Ratio: Square Pixels

Select or create a new layer.
Fill it with your desired color.
Edit - Fill - Contents (change the color) - Check Blending settings - Click OK

Place your image
File - Place Embedded - Place
I did crop the image using the frame tool.
Duplicate the original image (CMD + J on Mac) ( CTRL + J on Windows), this is in case anything gets messed up.

Select the vertical type tool by holding down right click on the "T" type tool.
Type the text that will be used for the clipping mask (SHOP) and position it where you want it on the document. You can also type the additional text now, if applicable.

Duplicate the original image and move the layer above the text layer you are using for the clipping mask.
Right click on the second duplicate layer - Create a clipping mask
Create a new layer
Fill it with your desired color (I used white)
Edit - Fill - Contents (change the color) - Check Blending settings - Click OK
Move the layer above THE 1ST IMAGE DUPLICATE
With the layer selected, click the new layer mask button.
Right click - create a clipping mask so the new layer is clipped to the first duplicate image.
This is what your layer panel should look like:

7. Select the layer mask on the new layer.
Select the brush tool
Under the General Brushes folder select “Soft Round”
Set hardness to zero and brush size to desired size.
Mode: Normal
Opacity: 100%
Flow: 100%
Density: 100%
Feather: 0.0px
No Smoothing

Check and make sure your foreground color is Black, this will remove parts of the image, White will only add back "erased" pixels. Also make sure your layer mask is selected before you start painting!
Using the black tool and toggling between black and white, paint until you have your desired effect.
Add whatever logo, social tags, additional text and elements you would like.
Add a pattern above the background layer and lower the opacity. I have used the “Japanese Pattern” found on Pattern Monster.
And you are done! I hope you love the results, feel free to tag me in your posts if you try this in your own design! (@designsbykaliyah) Please share this blog post and my tutorial video if you found it helpful. Subscribe to my email newsletter & my youtube channel if you would like to hear about more helpful tips for working with the Adobe design apps and business advice. Thanks!
Photo used: https://unsplash.com/photos/qM5Wrz-4rtQ